Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainy Day Activity is a rainy boring day...and despite the fact that I still had to go to work instead of pretending I wasn't an adult and staying in my snuggly warm bed with my snuggly snoring puppy, I am determined to make the most of my rainy day.

When I was younger, a rainy day was awesome.  It was an excuse to be lazy, build a fort, watch movies and take a nap...

After coming home, I decided it was still going to be a good rainy day...which wasn't hard because it was still pouring down rain!  Ollie inspired me to get lazy, because this is what he does best...

if this sweet face was looking at you like this, 
could you go do laundry, or wash dishes or clean?  I don't think so. 

 until Ollie chewed this bed up, this used to be his favorite nap place...

when he was a baby, he slept about 22/24 hours of the day. it was great. and long gone now. 

this is a picture of my mom (sorry mom!) and "the babes"...
I will explain how we acquired them in another post, but this is Ollie and 
his brother/littermate/lifelong chew toy, named Hunter.  Ollie is the fat 
little piglet in the front. He is about 9 weeks and 12 lbs here. This was Hunter's 
first night home at my childhood home...

this is what transpired...after they moved closer and closer, they were reunited in a litter pile! 
so sweet...

Enough about "the babes"...I could go on forever! 

So, I decided to do my favorite quiet, relaxing!!! 

I read about 1-2 books per week, depending on how much stuff is going on.  Right now, I just finished Lisa Scottoline's Think Twice and WOW was it a good one. If you haven't heard of it, go buy it or rent it at the library.  It just came out on paperback and looks like this: 

If you haven't read one of Lisa Scottoline's books, they are great thrillers with just enough legal stuff to keep you interested without any law schooling needed. Here is how her website describes the book:

"Is evil born or bred? This is the question Bennie Rosato must answer after her twin sister, Alice Connolly, drugs her and leaves for dead, buried underground in a remote field. 

As Alice slips easily into Bennie's life, doing her job, interacting with her friends, seducing her boyfriend, she never counts on the fact that Bennie is tougher than she seems. And that, against all odds, Bennie will escape. 

But escaping is only the first challenge. Alice's sociopathic lies are so believable that she has everyone convinced that she is Bennie, and Bennie is her deranged twin sister Alice. As Bennie descends further into Alice's life, she starts to feel the pull of evil herself. As the clock ticks and Alice gets closer to her ultimate goal, Bennie must face the shocking truth that she is perhaps more like Alice than she ever realized."

taken from her website here.

It is a good one and one of my top suggestions! 

So now, I am reading Scent of the Missing by Susannah Charleson.  

It is a real life account of the love and partnership between a search and rescue dog and their handler.  In the book, she starts out as a field assistant (assisting handlers and dogs in the field, keeping direction and radioing back to base) on many thrilling cases of missing persons.  After experiencing this as a field assistant, she decides to take on the challenge of raising a golden retriever pup named Puzzle from weeks old to experienced Search and Rescue Dog.  It is a real story with real people who devoted their time and life to the intense, heart-wrenching life of search and rescue.  The bond she develops with Puzzle and the dedication and drive Puzzle has is amazing and the stories she shares are something to be treasured. Overall, it is a great non-fiction read. 

Well now that I have shared my is making me want to... you guessed it. 

I'm going to grab my blanket, my coffee and my book (and I am sure Ollie will join in a few).

Life is good. 

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